Results for 'Juliana Irmayanti Saragih'

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  1.  4
    Doctoral Student’s Psychological Well-Being: A Scoping Review.Juliana Irmayanti Saragih & Fitri Andriani - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1518-1529.
    Doctoral students are a group that is prone to experiencing mental health problems during their study period which provides an overview of their psychological well-being. Generally, the psychological problems that arise in this group are anxiety, depression, and some physical problems. This study basically aims to understand the psychological well-being of doctoral students through an analysis of the concepts related to psychological well-being, how it is measured, and what factors are often connected and influence it. The method used is scoping (...)
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  2. Experiencing your brain: neurofeedback as a new bridge between neuroscience and phenomenology.Juliana Bagdasaryan & Michel Le Van Quyen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  3. The potential of an artificial intelligence (AI) application for the tax administration system’s modernization: the case of Indonesia.Arfah Habib Saragih, Qaumy Reyhani, Milla Sepliana Setyowati & Adang Hendrawan - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (3):491-514.
    From 2010 to 2020, Indonesia’s tax-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio has been declining. A tax-to-GDP ratio trend of this magnitude indicates that the tax authority lacks the capacity to collect taxes. The tax administration system’s modernization utilizing information technology is thus deemed necessary. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology may serve as a solution to this issue. Using the theoretical frameworks of innovations in tax compliance, the cost of taxation, success factors for information technology governance (SFITG), and AI readiness, this study aims (...)
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  4. Making sense of age-group justice.Juliana Bidadanure - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (3):234-260.
    This article brings together two debates in contemporary political philosophy: on the one hand, the dispute between the distributive and relational approaches to equality and, on the other hand, the field of intergenerational equality. I offer an original contribution to the second domain and by doing so, I inform the first. The aim of this article is thus twofold: (1) shedding some light on an under-researched and yet crucial question – ‘which inequalities between generations matter?’ and (2) contributing to a (...)
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  5. Increased Performance Variability as a Marker of Implicit/Explicit Interactions in Knowledge Awareness.Juliana Yordanova, Roumen Kirov & Vasil Kolev - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Working in cases: British psychiatric social workers and a history of psychoanalysis from the middle, c.1930–60.Juliana Broad - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (3-4):169-194.
    Histories of psychoanalysis largely respect the boundaries drawn by the psychoanalytic profession, suggesting that the development of psychoanalytic theories and techniques has been the exclusive remit of professionally trained analysts. In this article, I offer an historical example that poses a challenge to this orthodoxy. Based on extensive archival material, I show how British psychiatric social workers, a little-studied group of specialist mental hygiene workers, advanced key organisational, observational, and theoretical insights that shaped mid-century British psychoanalysis. In their daily work (...)
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    Entrevista a Enrique Dussel por Juliana Merçon.Juliana Merçon - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 14:103-112.
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    O itinerário de Agostinho de Hipona em busca da verdade e seu projeto de formação cristã.Juliana Calabresi Voss Duarte & Terezinha Oliveira - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1437-1463.
    Resumo: Este estudo objetiva identificar a natureza de verdade por Agostinho de Hipona (354-430), segundo as reflexões contidas no VII Livro da obra Confissões (397) que trata da Busca da Verdade. Para isso, é necessário reconhecer quais percursos o bispo de Hipona percorreu em sua vida terrena, bem como sua vivência filosófica. Nesse itinerário em busca da verdade se envolveu com o maniqueísmo, que em certa medida apresentava uma verdade racional e material, perspectiva que se aproximava do pensamento de Agostinho (...)
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    Embates presentes nas cartas trocadas entre Jerônimo (347-420 d. C.) e Agostinho (354-430 d. C.).Juliana Calabresei Voss Duarte & Terezinha Oliveira - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):e206312.
    Esse artigo tem por objetivo analisar um conjunto de onze [11] cartas trocadas entre Jerônimo de Estridão (347 -420 d. C.) e Agostinho de Hipona (354-430 d. C.) e reconhecer que mesmo em meio a divergências de pensamento, os dois teólogos defenderam a fé cristã e os ensinamentos de Jesus Cristo como modelo a ser seguido pelo homem. Por meio dessas epístolas é possível perceber a autoridade eclesial mantida por Jerônimo e Agostinho em defesa das concepções e projetos cristãos. É (...)
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    Does Handedness Affect the Cerebral Organization of Speech and Language in Individuals with Aphasia?Baldo Juliana & Dronkers Nina - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Logic.Juliana Weingaertner & Daniel Flage - 2005 - Philosophical Books 46 (2):155-158.
  12.  14
    Remedios Varo: The World Beyond.Juliana González & Margaret Carson - 2023 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 13 (1):183-191.
    In 1956, as a young art critic, the Mexican philosopher Juliana González first encountered the paintings of the Spanish surrealist Remedios Varo at the artist’s breakthrough solo exhibition in Mexico City’s Galería Diana. González, greatly impressed, soon befriended the much older Varo and became a regular visitor to her studio, where they talked about her paintings and their shared intellectual interests in literature, psychoanalysis, and philosophy, a conversation that ended with Varo’s untimely death in 1963 at age 54. A (...)
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    Uma tradução comentada do Pseudodoxia Epidemica de Thomas Browne: Vulgar and common errors sobre os animais no século XVII.Juliana Mesquita Hidalgo - 2023 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 18 (1):17-35.
    Em 1646, o médico inglês Thomas Browne (1605-1682) publicou a obra enciclopédica, de inspiração baconiana, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, também conhecida como Vulgar Errors. Browne Nela abordou o que seriam erros disseminados sobre vários temas, incluindo concepções sobre os animais. Ele explicou a origem de cada concepção. Discutiu ideias e observações de outros autores e, em muitos casos, apresentou seus experimentos e observações. Tomou como decisivo o testemunho ocular. Apresentamos uma tradução contextualizada e comentada do Capítulo 1 do Livro III do Pseudodoxia.
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    Encuentro entre filosofía y literatura: la escritura diseminada en Jacques Derrida y Clarice Lispector | Encounter between philosophy and literature: writing disseminated in Jacques Derrida and Clarice Lispector.Juliana Bueno - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):359-383.
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    Modalização autonímica na divulgação científica: um olhar sobre o fazer de jornalistas do site da Folha de S. Paulo e de agências de notícia internacionais.Juliana Santos Botelho, Suelen Martins & Jerônimo Coura Sobrinho - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (2):14-32.
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    Las Casas, Alonso de Sandoval and the defence of black slavery.Juliana Beatriz Almeida de Souza - 2006 - Topoi: Revista de História 2 (SE):0-0.
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    Similarity-Based Interference and the Acquisition of Adjunct Control.Juliana Gerard, Jeffrey Lidz, Shalom Zuckerman & Manuela Pinto - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  18. Impaired reasoning and problem-solving in individuals with language impairment due to aphasia or language delay.Juliana V. Baldo, Selvi R. Paulraj, Brian C. Curran & Nina F. Dronkers - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Índice de Resto Ingestão e Sobras Alimentares de Um Serviço de Nutrição e Dietética Localizado No Sudoeste Do Paraná.Juliana Cassuboski Beal, Rosani Elira Fritz & Mirian Cozer - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (14):93-101.
    The Health System Food and Nutrition Units are designed to produce and offer balanced meals, establishing dietary patterns, maintaining and restoring the health of the individual. The control of dirty in leftover ingestion can lower costs and organic waste. The objective of the study is to quantify and analyze the leftover intake i meals served to patients, and ingestion of dirty leftovers in collective meals of a Food and Nutrition Unit, located in the Southwest of Paraná. The data were collected (...)
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    Short-sightedness in Youth Welfare Provision: The Case of RSA in France.Juliana Bidadanure - 2012 - Intergenerational Justice Review 6 (1).
    This paper reconstitutes and addresses critically the deontological and consequentialist arguments given by the French government to justify the denial of the national guaranteed minimum income support to young people under 25 years old. The deontological arguments express a concern for distributive justice and suggest that young people do not deserve income support. The consequentialist arguments; on the other hand; emphasise social efficiency: they draw on the alleged negative outcomes that the extension of income support to young people would bring (...)
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    Vinculación universidad-sector productivo a través del proceso de transferencia tecnológica.Juliana Ferrer, Caterina Clemenza & Verónica V. González - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 9 (2):267-288.
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    Øverenget, Einar 1998: Seeing the self - Heidegger on Subjectivity.Juliana Mezzomo Flores - 2007 - Natureza Humana 9 (2):359-366.
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    Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. Essays and TranslationsJoseph J. Kockelmans Theodore J. Kisiel.Juliana Geran - 1971 - Isis 62 (4):529-530.
  24. Psicogénesis y sociogénesis.Juliana Vicarioli - 1986 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 59:67-74.
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    Medical students’ perceptions of professional misconduct: relationship with typology and year of programme.Juliana Zulkifli, Brad Noel, Deirdre Bennett, Siun O’Flynn & Colm O’Tuathaigh - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):133-137.
    Aim To examine the contribution of programme year and demographic factors to medical students’ perceptions of evidence-based classification categories of professional misconduct. Methods Students at an Irish medical school were administered a cross-sectional survey comprising 31 vignettes of professional misconduct, which mapped onto a 12-category classification system. Students scored each item using a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 represents the least severe form of misconduct and 5 the most severe. Results Of the 1012 eligible respondents, 561 students completed the survey, (...)
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    Infográfico: modos de ver e ler ciência na mídia.Juliana Alles de Camargo de Souza - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (2):190-206.
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    Leading with moral courage: The interplay of guilt and courage on perceived ethical leadership and group organizational citizenship behaviors.Juliana Mansur, Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):587-601.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  28. Indexicality and action: why we need indexical beliefs to motivate intentional actions.Juliana Faccio Lima - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (7):711-731.
    ABSTRACT Are indexical beliefs necessary to explain intentional bodily actions? De se believers argue that we cannot explain intentional bodily actions unless we appeal to indexical beliefs. De se sceptics disagree. Joining the sceptics, Cappelen and Dever have recently advanced a counterexample to de se believers's claim: a case of intentional bodily action that can be explained by their proposed indexical-free Action Inventory Model. In this paper, I argue that the de se sceptics's counterexample ultimately does not work. My argument (...)
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    Un recorrido analítico sobre la culpa del sobreviviente.Juliana Mejía Quintana - 2024 - Critica 56 (168):57-75.
    Carlos Muñoz-Serna, y Carlos G. Patarroyo Gutiérrez, Culpa sin trasgresión. Un análisis filosófico de la culpa del sobreviviente, Lambda, Ciudad de México, 2023, 152pp., ISBN-10: 6075971564, ISBN-13: 978-6075971568.
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    (1 other version)Better Procedures for Fairer Outcomes: Youth Quotas in Parliaments.Juliana Bidadanure - 2015 - Intergenerational Justice Review 7 (2).
    In this article; I put forward an instrumental justification for the introduction of youth quotas in parliaments on grounds of justice between coexisting generations. I provide a two-fold argument drawing on the distinction between “substantive representation” and “symbolic representation”. I argue that these jointly provide a good basis for a “politics of youth presence” in parliaments. In the first section; I evaluate the impact that youth quotas can have on enhancing the chances of fair youth policies. In the second section; (...)
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    El antagonismo jurídico entre la acción de lesividad y su procedencia frente actos administrativos regulares y actos administrativos irregulares.Juliana Vanessa Coronel Lucas & Miguel Agustín Crespo Crespo - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (8):e230136.
    El artículo aborda el antagonismo jurídico entre la acción de lesividad y su procedencia frente a actos administrativos regulares e irregulares en Ecuador, enfocándose en la tensión entre las resoluciones de la Corte Constitucional y la Corte Nacional. El problema radica en la aplicación de la acción de lesividad, especialmente en casos donde los actos administrativos presentan vicios de legalidad como fue el caso de la sentencia No. 030-18-SEP-CC. El objetivo es analizar las discrepancias jurisprudenciales y sus implicaciones en la (...)
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    Beyond revenge?: Responsible Bible reading practices in a Traumatized Land.Juliana M. Claassens - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-8.
    In this article, I argue that revenge fantasies such as those found in the Oracles Against the Nations in Jeremiah 45-51 underscore the necessity for responsible Bible reading practices. I argue that to protect us from our own worst selves, the very human tendency to resort to revenge that inevitably leads to violence, one needs to read these biblical texts in terms of contemporary hermeneutical approaches that may play some role to bring an end to violence. A first such approach (...)
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  33.  12
    La metafísica dialéctica de Eduardo Nicol.Juliana González - 1981 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  34.  21
    The Socratic Phronesis Today.Juliana González - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):61-67.
    One can say that the historical Socrates cannot be interpreted as an “intellectualist” and an “enemy of life.” On the contrary: Socrates’s actuality lies precisely in the fact that wisdom implies knowledge of one’s own ignorance, the self-birthing and the daily improvement of myself using all the rational and irrational potentialities of life.This conception of the ethical soul in Socrates can be compared today with the moral brain of neuroscience, which is understood in its integral unity as the locus of (...)
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  35. Philosophie médicale et anthropologie chez La Mettrie.Juliana Gristelli - 2008 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 54:117-139.
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  36. Performances em rede do Esporte Clube Bahia sobre a cultura do estupro e os dribles epistêmicos da comunicação de marca.Juliana Freire Gutmann & Jussara Peixoto Maia - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3):209-224.
    A partir da circulação do audiovisual “A culpa é sua, o corpo não” no Instagram, como parte da campanha do Esporte Clube Bahia contra a cultura do estupro, este artigo analisa disputas afetivas em torno da marca, atravessadas pela questão da violência de gênero. Parte-se da assunção de que aproximações das organizações com temas sensíveis são vetores promissores do debate sobre a urgência de giros epistêmicos na comunicação frente ao atual contexto de franca dispersão das dinâmicas de produção, circulação e (...)
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    No title available.Juliana da Silveira Pinheiro - 2011 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 52 (123):259-263.
  38.  18
    Ética e solidariedade: uma lição da pandemia.Juliana Santana, Alvino Moser & José Lauro Martins - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):283-297.
    The paper examines a possible ethics for the current scenario, in order to bring human beings closer together and awaken in them a feeling of solidarity. For such an examination, at first, theories such as the utilitarianism reviewed by Rawls are questioned. It searches for a valid criterion for all participants of a certain universalism or for a real and non-exclusive “us”. The call for solidarity is proposed as a way of uniting people, as opposed to selfishness. Then solidarity is (...)
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    Journal for Philosophy English menu.Juliana Sokolová - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (6):558-570.
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  40. Las Casas, Alonso de Sandoval ea defesa da escravidão negra.Juliana Beatriz Almeida De Souza - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12).
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    Justicia versus caridad en la teoría de la propiedad de Locke.Juliana Udi - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (1):65-84.
    In this paper I identify two different lockean concepts of justice - "proprietary justice" and "justice as fairness" - and examine the relationship between each of them and charity in John Locke´s theory of property. As I try to show, in both cases Locke considers that charity may have priority over justice. This undermines the classical interpretation of Locke as a defender of unlimited capitalistic appropriation and provides additional evidence supporting Locke´s acceptation of a minimal redistributive system which should guarantee (...)
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    El derecho a la caridad: repercusiones de la teología cristiana en la teoría de la propiedad de John Locke.Juliana Udi - 2014 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 70:149-160.
    Locke, además de justificar un derecho natural a la propiedad privada, también sostiene que todos los hombres tienen un derecho natural a la caridad. En el presente trabajo me propongo defender la hipótesis de que el derecho a la caridad postulado por Locke se explica por la presencia en su teoría de la propiedad de elementos procedentes de la teología cristiana. Cumpliría la función de garantizar que, en el contexto de una economía monetizada donde los individuos son, además, desigualmente industriosos, (...)
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    Zoning Law, Health, and Environmental Justice: What’s the Connection?Juliana Maantay - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):572-593.
    Zoning laws determine what types of land uses and densities can occur on each property lot in a municipality, and therefore also govern the range of potential environmental and health impacts resulting from the land use. Zoning regulations are the most ubiquitous of the land use laws in the United States, as well as in many other countries. As such, they have far-reaching effects on the location of noxious uses, and any concomitant environmental or human health impacts.Zoning has enormous implications, (...)
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    ¿A quién cuidamos?Juliana Mejía Quintana - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2817.
    Trabajo presentado en el Seminario de la Coalición de Desarrollo Humano, liderado por Human Life International, coalición que actuó como representante de la sociedad civil en la 54 Asamblea General de la OEA que tuvo lugar en Asunción (Paraguay) el 24 de junio de 2024. La ponente asistió en representación de la Fundación Colombiana de Ética y Bioética (FUCEB), en el aniversario 45 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (IDH). Desde una perspectiva bioética del concepto de dignidad y derechos (...)
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    John Locke y la educación para la propiedad.Juliana Udi - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (1).
    El presente trabajo aborda el pensamiento educativo de John Locke desde una perspectiva poco frecuentada: sus vínculos con la teoría lockeana de la propiedad. Como se pone de relieve, Locke discrimina entre la educación de los hijos de propietarios y la de los hijos de no propietarios. La finalidad primaria de la primera es cultivar una serie de valores morales estrechamente vinculados con la propiedad –como la liberalidad y la justicia. La educación de los pobres, en cambio, queda reducida al (...)
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    El pensar socrático y las distinciones morales: sobre la relación entre el pensamiento y el juicio en Hannah Arendt.González Juliana - forthcoming - Saga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 12 (22).
    A partir de las reflexiones arendtianas acerca del pensar sócratico y la caída de las nociones tradicionales de la moralidad tras los trágicos acontecimiento de la Alemania nazi, se pretende responder a la pregunta por cómo la actividad del pensar en sí misma puede ser, en efecto, de tal naturaleza que permita distinguir entre el bien y el mal. Para ello, se hace uso de las anotaciones de la autora en torno a la capacidad del juicio y de su relación (...)
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    The Tenth Circuit Finds a Constitutionally Protected Right to Privacy in Prescription Drug Records.Juliana Han - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (1):134-138.
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    Soulmates: Resurrecting Eve.Juliana Geran Pilon - 2012 - Routledge.
    In Soulmates: Resurrecting Eve, Juliana Geran Pilon argues for a return to an egalitarian view of men and women, found in the original Genesis narrative, as reflected through Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In each of these Abrahamic traditions, it was understood that man and woman were created to be soulmates in God's image—equal despite their different functions within society. Pilon writes that this original message has gradually been distorted, with disastrous effect. Any hope for an ennobling human community begins (...)
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    As legislações urbanísticas brasileiras dos séculos XX e XXI: uma análise histórica.Juliana Rammé & Mariana Barbosa de Souza - 2023 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 25 (2):211-232.
    Este artigo objetiva descrever e analisar as legislações urbanísticas brasileiras ao longo dos séculos XX e XXI, com foco nas leis que regulamentam o parcelamento e o uso do solo. Reconhecemos a origem dessas leis que têm orientado e normatizado o espaço urbano nas últimas décadas, principalmente no que diz respeito aos parâmetros urbanísticos estabelecidos para o desenvolvimento das cidades. Assim, o artigo é apoiado em uma abordagem dialética e qualitativa, este estudo busca realizar uma análise dos referenciais teóricos, além (...)
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  50. Multivocidad de la violencia.Juliana González Valenzuela - 1985 - Dianoia 31 (31):129-142.
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